Affiliate Sign Up
Sign Up Today to Become a Hale Bob Affiliate!
We’ll pay you a commission on any net sales* you make using one of our affiliate links; affiliate links with ad banners, text links, product images, campaign images, or any post you create and publish featuring Hale Bob product on any of your social platforms or websites.
*net sales – net sales is the cost of the product excluding any discounting, shipping, taxes and
returns. If the purchase price of the product is $240 you will be paid 15% of that purchase price.
When one of your followers clicks one of these posts it will take them either directly to our website, or to our website via your IG centric product portal, where they can shop our styles.
Any time they make a purchase you will earn a 15% commission on that sale.
Each link will carry a 7-day tracking cookie, a customer has 7 days from clicking on your link to making a purchase from Hale Bob no matter what they buy or where they come from.
Sign up using the link below.
Your request will be reviewed within two business days.
You’ll be sent an email notification when you have been approved.
Once accepted, you'll be able to access to all available affiliate ads, banners and text links.
Don’t forget you can create your own Hale Bob focused content as well.